7 Nov 2011

Black & White Show 2011

On Saturday the 5th of November scotties and westies competed for the BIS of these two beautiful breeds. It was the Westie Club's turn to organise the show and westie people did it very well, as usual. Thank you to the organisers!

Luca attended the show and became BOB-junior and 4th best male. Vini's daughter Serein Elsholtzia was BOS-junior. The best scottie and BIS was the black bitch Bartos Ultra Violet  and BOS was the black dog Quaint O'My Jacquot. The judge was Tina Deipenbrock from kennel vom Deipen Brook, Germany.

Vini was this time enjoying the show as a tourist. The show was in an agility hall and Vini had the opportunity to try his favourite obstacle, dogwalk. He was pleased to switch the show ring to dogwalk.

The critiques from the show are on the   website of the Scottish Terrier Club of Finland  (http://www.skotlanninterrieri.fi/en/critiques/14-arvostelut-2011/71-arvostelut-black-a-white-2011.html)

BOB-junior BD4 Berrybreeze Daddy Cool, judge Tina Deipenbrock, BOS-junior Serein Elsholtzia