31 May 2020

In Memory of Vini, C.I.B. NORD CH FI CH IE CH SE CH NO CH EUW-09 Brueik Summa Creation

In Memory of Vini
C.I.B. NORD CH FI CH IE CH SE CH NO CH EUW-09 Brueik Summa Creation
(CH Berrybreeze Ilumination x CH Brueik Summabreeze)
5.11.2006 – 29.5.2020

BIS at STC Finland CH show

BOB at Black & White Open show

I have some sad news to tell: Vini has passed away at the age of 13,5 years. Vini was such a character and he left so many lovely memories behind – I am grateful to him for the long life that we had together.

Vini's parents were Lumo and Summa, a special pair that the previous year won BOS and BOB at Crufts. Vini was such a sweet boy, great solid character whose natural authority other scotties in the family did not challenge, not even at the very end. Vini was also a boy who knew what he wanted and was vocal about it. If food delivery was to slow or there was no water in the bowl, he informed about it. It was also him who announced that dogs had been too long outside, others said nothing – I wonder how we cope now. Vini was also a true scottie in that sense that he was stubborn, he knew what he wanted, where he wanted to go and acted like that.

With best mate Lola as puppies

My ball was under the sofa, so I needed to move the sofa..

Vini and I had a grand tour together in Europe in 2009 while I had my sabattical leave. It was the only time when my scotties have been shown in the UK. We also attended European Dog show in Dublin where Vini became BOS and European Winner. Other shows we entered were in Germany, Italy, Netherlands and Sweden and to home we came with titles and BIG1 & BIG2-wins. I have so lovely memories from our journey, a special thanks to fellow competitors at Echt INT show for making us feel so welcome to the show!







The journey was not only about shows, it was also about people. I am very grateful for the help I received when Vini was attacked by another dog at a camping site in Germany. Many of you helped us from Finland, UK, Italy and the help was invaluable for me while travelling alone with Vini. We also met old and new friends during the journey. I have lovely memories of sitting at dinner tables and chatting with people who have the same interests and with whom you can laugh while dogs were running around – thank you my friends in the UK and Italy!

Even though Vini is gone, he will be living in his babies. I always will remember the STC Finland's show when I was approached by a lady asking if Vini was the father of his scottie - and he was, so much alike! Some of his babies are not with us any more, but many of them are and owners can recognise Vini's features – for better or worse.

FI DK CH JW-09 W-09 PMJW-09 HeW-10 W-11 W-13 Vini's daughter Quaint Nuez Moscado

Vini 2 years ago in Amsterdam. Photo: Clair Chapman.

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